Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017

Demonic? Trump wasn’t evil incarnate until he ran for president against Hillary Clinton. He’s been in the public eye since, what, the ‘80s. 30 plus years.  I’d find this characterization of any man somewhat entertaining if it weren’t such a sad reflection. 

I understand half of the country voted for someone else.  I understand the country has been polorized fifty-fifty for the last nearly 20 years and that it has escalated rapidly in the last 5 to 10. What I don’t understand is the hysteria and destruction. I absolutely and truly hated the policies of the previous administration but no one I knew called people names or destroyed property or didn’t  allow anyone to state their opinions. A lot of people didn’t do that. 

I’d say most of the people who voted for Trump to be president weren’t enraged. They were tired. They were tired of being called names by Clinton and her circle and her followers and the media and looked upon as uneducated , stupid, no-nothings.  They were tired of being bullied. Yes, bullied for daring to follow a different viewpoint. They were tired of the Obama administration using their governmental powers to do harm to “the other side.” There are consequences to actions.  The left didn’t listen or care. 

So why Trump? He wasn’t my candidate. But he became that because of opposition tactics and internal warfare waged upon the other thirteen candidates of the party. He was the last one standing.  And because the primary system is flawed – by the time the primary votes happen in my state (MT), the candidate is already decided by other states. There is only one person by then on the ballot in my primaries. What needs to happen, IMO, is a one-time national primary and the top two candicates of the field are who move on. 

Trump became president because electing the job position isn’t a popularity vote. It is a coalition of states. The states were to have the supreme power in this country according to the founders.  It is structured so that the states who are largest in land or biggest in population can’t rule the others just because they’re big each and every vote. The candidate has to be chosen by more than one type of citizen in order to win. It’s a very smart system. 

So ultimately, is Trump evil, mentally ill, demonically possessed…. ? No. He’s just a man.  Is he symbolic of the changes happening in our conscious? Maybe. Is change bad? Good? No, it’s just change. Is it worth creating so much negativity in your own life day after day after day in the form of anger or fear or destroying relationships or hating people you don’t even know? No.

How do we do it? Let go of it. We teach children not to descriminate based on the color of their skin or their gender or their choice of partner, etc. Don’t descriminate based on “side” because then you’re adding to negative you think you see.  See with love in your eyes and your mind at everything and everybody also no matter the “side.” Be the change because there is no one else but you.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

What is the quickest way to make change in one’s life? You don’t change being comfy and cozy and rose colored glasses. Change agents happen for a reason. If you don’t like what you see outside yourself, i.e., the shared world we live in, look to your own thoughts. Our thoughts are the cause, not the effect. Think negative, hate, fear and that is what you’re getting. Our thoughts create this negativity. Stop. Stop immediately. See love. Don’t hate the man for he is just a symbol of change — love the change that is happening. Hate adds fuel to the negativity. Don’t hate those who believe differently than you, love that you and they are a part of a journey of change.

Don’t know how? Start today. Pick one thing. Say to yourself, “Above all else, I want to see _____ differently.” Surround _____ with a white light of love. And do it a couple times today. See what happens. You’re healing YOUR heart and thoughts which heals the world.


You are proposing to "fight power" with the old paradigm of power. Love is the answer to create the change you want to see.
Gandhi said this:

"Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable."
"Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love."
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it – always."

And Martin Luther King said:

"A third reason why we should love our enemies is that love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity. By its very nature, love creates and builds up. Love transforms with redemptive power."
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
"First, we must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love."

How do we love "the enemy"?  Each one was born. Each one has a mother and a father. They eat. They drink. They have personal stories and experiences full of pain and joy. They are human. They are fellow children of God/Universe. They are each loved by God/Universe. But if we hate anyone not like us, we are not hating monsters or demons. We're hating fellow humans, fellow expressions of God/Universe.

God is in everything. Even Trump and those who voted for Trump. God is only love therefore they are also only love. You don't like what you see in the world at present. I get it. To see something different, see love in all. Personally change your perception to that of love and you will see miraculous change in the world.

The mantra for all should be "First do no harm". In thought, in action, in words. Harm to self as well as others because if you do harm to others you are indeed doing harm to self. Or another way: "In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you." That which is happening now is but temporary in the scheme of the soul. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017

I would add to Danielle's response by agreeing with don't buy into the negativity but add "don't contribute to it." By that I mean our thoughts create what we are seeing. So there are two steps to follow here if you really mean to make peaceful change. 1) Forgive all. By forgiveness, it doesn't mean put it away in the corner of your mind to bring up again at another time. Forgiveness means letting it go as if. it. never. happened. Can you do that to someone/something that has created any kind of bad feelings in you? If you're truly wanting to make positive change you need to forgive all family members, all friends, and yes even the man who you believe has created the rage. Forgive as if it never happened, let go of the negative energy of the past because you are creating it with your thoughts and it is only hurting yourself. You are taking poison expecting someone else to die of it.  2) Our thoughts create what we see. Think negative you will see negative, not the other way around. Think hate and rage and you will see hate and rage in the world. Think love you will see love. So. An example. Think loving thoughts about the family member who you are arguing with now and you will see love. Your thought creates the reality.  And it's not "I love you despite what you think that is different from me." It's only "I love you." Honor your journey and honor their journey that is different from yours. Honor means love. Love your journey and love their journey that is different from yours.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 2017

You are behaving as those this is happening outside of yourself. Believe it – it is not. All war, hate, rage comes from within yourselves manifest “out there”, trickery to expend energy in the wrong forum.  Look inward, children of God.  Look inward for your answers. Action begins with your thoughts – it exists if you think it is so. Think peace; see peace. Think rage; see rage. That is your choice in each moment.  Think love; see love.  It is that simple … and that monumental.  Change your world by seeing your brother/sister in every One, well met or not. Be the change: think the change, see the change.  It is in you first and only.