Friday, May 27, 2016

May 27 2016

From yesterday's Akashic journaling:

The relevant lives were revealed to you yesterday to show you how power is experienced. Anne Boleyn let the fire consume her and the consequences were felt worldwide but also affected her loved ones so negatively. Jesus' impact was also worldwide but his message was love and encompassing. Hers took a turn toward manipulation and control. You recognized in Anne the potential changes to belief systems as you had seen in Jesus. You recognized that Jesus' message and mission had been corrupted through power-hungry men and women over the centuries.  You wanted to participate in altering that path through the religious and social reformation that was occurring and that Anne and Henry were the vortex of. Henry changed the world for the lust of Anne. Jesus changed the world through his love of the self and the Universe and as a consequence the world changed, too, first because the message was truth and the consciousness was hungry for this kind of message. You were able to be "closer to the action" so to speak with Anne and even gave counsel toward that effect but she was strong minded. You witnessed a message change and the struggle of those in power to keep it. It sickened you in your soul. You learned to hate control and wickedness using good intentions as a mask. The life experience with Jesus ended in violence, too, but that death, while grievous, was joyful too for you understood that there was so much more to life and death and it didn't end with his death. He truly didn't mind, his awareness was one with the Universe and you could feel it. So similar situations but different impacts for your journey. 

The other purpose is to help you feel the difference between your shadow life and the one you're entering into and who you are becoming now. It is ok; you gave nearly 50 years to the shadows. Embrace this now for your own. 

Your words are the bridge. We will speak through you. You will share with more. Some are awakening and the number grows but change is coming and .... 

Change is neither good nor bad. You are a student but you are also a model/teacher. It does not do you service to cling to old patterns even if there is some comfort there. It is time to be the bridge.... Can I be a bridge without knowing the destination?  Does a bridge imply leadership? ... There she goes using her love of organization.